Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) used to be a key part of any modern manufacturing operation, but they don't work for every manufacturer. MES can provide a great deal of uniformity and stability, but they are difficult to customize and deploy. Here are five reasons why MES might not be the best solution for your business.

1. Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) lack agility
In the past, a business might have been able to get away with an MES because it was simpler and more stable than other solutions. The purpose of a Manufacturing Execution System is to automate common manufacturing tasks, and the problem is that each of those tasks has to be defined upfront. If a manufacturer wants to do something different, it's not easy to make changes. Nowadays, there are better options available for manufacturers who want a solution that can be easily adapted as their needs change over time. Cloud computing and SaaS (software as a service) are taking over MES because they're more flexible and less difficult to implement.
2. Hard to customize
Manufacturing Execution Systems are complicated both on the software side and on the hardware side. A manufacturer may have to hire full-time employees just to maintain their current MES installation, which can be a major drain of resources. Modular manufacturing Intelligence platform needs less maintenance, which can lead to long-term cost savings.
3. Requires special hardware
Modern Manufacturing Execution Systems are almost always specific to a given manufacturer's hardware. Commercial off-the-shelf software can be adapted to fit the needs of most businesses, but MES is designed for a single company at a time. If your business needs are unusual or complicated, it may not be possible to fully implement an MES.
4. Shifting consumer demands
Modern manufacturing is about speed and agility, not only uniformity or stability. It's essential that manufacturers can keep up with market demand by producing small batches of custom products. Manufacturing Intelligence platform offers an advantage because it can be engineered to accommodate shifting demands in light of changing consumer trends. If your company's business model is based on knowing exactly what the customer wants, you may be better off using a more flexible solution.
5. Lacks global supply chain dynamics
Manufacturing Execution Systems are designed to work within the confines of a single country's economy. As manufacturers become more globalized, it's essential that their automation systems meet the same standard. MES doesn't account for global supply chains, overtime work required by labor shortages, or other factors that can influence business in different locations. If your company needs to keep track of local fluctuations in pricing and availability, MES might not be the best choice for your business.
Manufacturing Execution Systems lack the agility to keep up with changing consumer demands and global supply chain dynamics. They are also difficult to customize and deploy, making them a less-than-ideal solution for businesses in today's market. There are, however, other solutions available that may be more suitable for your needs. Cloud computing and SaaS powered Manufacturing Intelligence platforms offer more flexibility than MES, and require less maintenance. They can also accommodate changing consumer demands, which is essential for many modern manufacturers.
If you need to adapt your solution to keep up with global supply chain dynamics or shifting consumer demands, get in touch with our team at Golgix. We offer a Manufacturing Intelligence platform that is more flexible than MES and can easily accommodate changing needs.